Create your first Project

Its super simple.

What do you need to get started:

Make sure your logged into your launchpal account. Your projects screen is the main screen you see after you login. It should be empty for you, like this:

So go ahead and click that green "Create a new project" button.

Step 1 Define your project

Give it a name & choose your app - in this case we will use Landing Page Server.

If you are using a Noipfraud project please make sure you don't name your projectors as a number as there is a bug causing issues with Noipfrayd installation.

⚠️ When choosing a project name, remember that it has to be unique and can't be the same as another project. Because at this time its the only way of showing what the project is about, its worth keeping it short but descriptive of the project/campaign.

Click next.

Step 2 Select Your Host

Choose one of the hosts we support. If your selecting one that you have not used before, you will be asked to authenticate. In this example I will use Digital Ocean, but you can check the Hosts section for information about the other hosts we support.

Once you selected the host, assuming you have not used it before you will be asked to authenticate your account at that host.

⚠️ Remember - with LaunchPal it only takes a few clicks to change the host, region or size of your server.

Click next to move on.

Step 3 Select File Management Method

LaunchPal makes it super easy to save files to your project. You can still use FTP if you want, but I suggest you try the Dropbox sync method or the Drag and Drop method. For this to keep it simple I will use drag and drop. You can read more about the other options on the File Sync page.

Select Drag & Drop ...

And drag a zip file of your landing page onto the target area.

Then click Next again ...

Your files will be uploaded and you will be asked to set your domain in the next step.

Step 4 Set the domain

The first time you use LaunchPal you will need to register a new domain when you create your first project.

Don't worry - its just a case of entering some keywords you want in your domain and it will show you the available options. Select the option you want and click "Buy Domain". You can read more about it in the page about Domains.

Once you have registered a domain you can also add a subdomain in the same window. Just click the ... and use the add subdomain button, after which you can enter it.

Lastly if you already have an old subdomain or domain you want to use that is free - just click Assign.

And then the interface will update to show you its assigned.

Once the domain or sub domain is assigned, click again on Next and the server will be build for your project.

Step 5 Building the Project

LaunchPal will then take you back to the project overview screen where your new project is now listed. The status of the build process is shown just below the Project Name and Type.

It takes normally around 5 to 10 minutes for the project to be build, but this depends greatly on your host at that specific time.

The stages the build goes through depends on how you are creating your project, but for a new basic project they are:

  • Initializing host

  • Setup server

  • Preparing project

  • Configuring project

Step 6 Check the completed project

Once its completed and ready your screen will show something like this.

It lists on the left:

  • the project name, with an easy button to open the IP address in a new browser tab

  • the project type, in this example: webserver

  • next to the type, the file sync method, in this case manual for drag and drop upload

  • below that, the size 512mb, the IP address and the location ams2

Then in the middle it shows the date the project was created, and it lists any domains assigned to the project. Each domain is clickable and will open it in a new tab.

On the right is a quick menu for common project actions to add domains or make changes to the server.

Step 7 Viewing the project details

To view the details of the project, click on the title - as shown by the blue square in the little image below. Clicking the button identified by the green circle will open the IP address in a new browser tab.

The project screen looks like this:

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